

Kollaps (Collasso)

di Philipp Löhle

with Roberta Calia, Yuri D’Agostino, Barbara Mazzi, Raffaele Musella, Angelo Tronca
original soundtrack Gianmaria Ferrario 

director Marco Lorenzi

visual concept and video Eleonora Diana
sound designer Giorgio Tedesco
light designer Link-boy

ph Andrea Macchia

distribution Valentina Pollani – press Raffaella Ilari
production TPE – Teatro Piemonte Europa/ Teatro Stabile di Torino-Teatro Nazionale
ensemble Il Mulino di Amleto

A thanks to  Festival di Nuova Drammaturgia “Il mondo è ben fatto” by Fertili Terreni Teatro

If you knew that the world ends at midnight how would you behave? How many dreams will remain unfulfilled? How many unfinished actions? Does this unstoppable rush to the precipice still make sense in a world whose end date we know? Kollaps, the prophetic text of the German playwright Philipp Löhle written in 2015 and now in its Italian debut, is a bitter-sweet metaphor for a West that runs desperately when the race is over for a while, when resources are crumbling, when your mobile phone has stopped working.


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